
Import CA Cert as PrivateKeyEntry - Solve Unable to create enrollment token Error

中文版本: elasticsearch-create-enrollment-token证书https环境下无法生成口令


After installed Elasticsearch and configured the security manully according to the docs: Basic Security / Basic Security plus HTTPS, we may met the error:

ERROR: Unable to create an enrollment token. Elasticsearch node HTTP layer SSL configuration Keystore doesn’t contain any PrivateKey entries where the associated certificate is a CA certificate

The error says that the Keystore for the HTTPS doesn’t contain a CA Cert as PrivateKeyEntry type, let’s check:

keytool -keystore config/certs/<filename-http-pkcs12-keystore.p12> -list

The results may be as follow:

ca, Sep 6, 2022, trustedCertEntry

Certificate fingerprint (SHA-256): 25:27:7D:EE:FE:F6:54:57:47:BE:B5:10:C4:90:DF:28:BF:1B:3B:F9:5E:47:F5:34:5F:03:38:1E:84:0A:23:E7

http, Sep 6, 2022, PrivateKeyEntry

Certificate fingerprint (SHA-256): D4:EF:60:2C:E5:2D:4C:A8:33:C0:49:44:F4:B5:38:19:92:97:72:CB:5D:85:20:A4:97:9B:90:24:D0:0C:D1:FB

The TrustedCertEntry is automatically imported into HTTP PKCS12 Keystore as a CA Cert, that is from the Keystore we generated following Basic Security.

But ES need a PrivateKeyEntry like:

http_ca, Sep 6, 2022, PrivateKeyEntry

Certificate fingerprint (SHA-256): 9E:56:B1:38:F7:49:C7:7D:07:F0:E1:8A:D6:EC:9B:56:DF:86:7D:D6:90:46:86:77:99:6B:D1:9E:9C:4F:F0:03

So let’s replace TrustedCertEntry with PrivateKeyEntry.


Step 1. Generate Keystore contains CA Cert and HTTP Keystore

Note: Usually we have done this step, so if you didn’t do anything else to change these Keystores, skip this step.

Following Basic Security we will get a PKCS12 Keystore containing CA Cert, default filename is elastic-stack-ca.p12.

Following Basic Security plus HTTPS, we will get a PKCS12 Keystore contains a TrustedCertEntry that import from elastic-stack-ca.p12, the default filename of HTTP Keystore is http.p12.

Step 2. Import CA Cert Keystore to HTTP Keystore as PrivateKey type

keytool -importkeystore -destkeystore <filename-http-PKCS12> -srckeystore <filename-PKCS12-contains-CA-Cert.p12> -srcstoretype PKCS12

This step changes the CA Cert that was automatically imported into the original HTTP Keystore as TrustCertEntry to PrivateKeyEntry, and this is exactly what that ERROR tells us to do.

Importing keystore config/certs/es-ca.p12 to config/certs/http.p12…

Enter destination keystore password:

Enter source keystore password:

Existing entry alias ca exists, overwrite? [no]: yes

Entry for alias ca successfully imported.

Import command completed: 1 entries successfully imported, 0 entries failed or cancelled

Check the result

And you can use following command to check:

keytool -keystore <filename-HTTP-PKCS12.p12> -list

The result should contains two PrivateKey entries like:

Keystore type: PKCS12

Keystore provider: SUN

Your keystore contains 2 entries

ca, Sep 5, 2022, PrivateKeyEntry

Certificate fingerprint (SHA-256): 53:F4:9A:9D:56:A9:3A:AF:90:94:41:FA:D7:15:3F:DF:C1:39:AC:BA:FF:12:44:C0:36:4D:15:4C:20:14:1E:3D

http, Sep 5, 2022, PrivateKeyEntry

Certificate fingerprint (SHA-256): EF:8D:78:EC:F0:C5:97:1B:7B:58:EF:5F:E3:73:A5:D0:7E:1B:FE:B3:75:B0:B4:D9:CB:80:FC:B3:8E:5D:A5:74

Before generating a new token, make sure you added the password for your private key to the security settings in Elasticsearch.

./bin/elasticsearch-keystore [show|add]

Re-Generate token

Now start the node, and re-generate your token:

./bin/elasticsearch-create-enrollment-token -s [kibana|node]


Offical issue has is tracking the problem. Generating enrollment token for Kibana should not require the CA key · Issue #89017 · elastic/elasticsearch · GitHub

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